Archives de catégorie : Développement

eXtreme Consulting?

Can agile methods such as eXtreme Programming (XP) be applied to consulting activities? What could eXtreme Consulting (XC) mean? Do you need to analyze the whole big picture before starting the delivery of good recommendations?

In XP iterations, users tell user stories which are prioritized and then transformed by rotating pairs of programmers into tested features. These features enable new uses of technology.

In XC iterations, I guess there would be decision makers telling decision making stories. These stories would be prioritized and then transformed by rotating pairs of consultants into argued and accepted recommendations. These recommendations would enable new decisions.

What about the agility of decision makers themselves, people who are to lead changes in their scope of responsibility? Couldn’t they follow similar methods and benefit from eXtreme Change Making (XCM)? In XCM iterations, there would be change leaders telling change leadership stories. These stories would be prioritized and then transformed by rotating pairs of change makers into tested change commitments from stakeholders in the organization. These commitments would enable changes in the organization, its rules and processes.

Had you ever heard of XC or XCM before reading this? What do you think? Why would such things be of any interest?

Missions solidaires pour prestas en intercontrat

Christian, Bader, Jef et Jjay m’ont donné quelques pistes pour améliorer mon idée: comment convaincre des sociétés informatiques de s’investir dans des projets technologiques à vocation solidaire? Merci à tous les 4!
Un gros risque, c’est que ce genre de choses “terminent à la comm'” comme l’indique Christian. Les SSII n’ont probablement “aucune velléité de changer le monde”, en tout cas, ce n’est pas leur vocation. Leur préoccupation évidente semble être “le profit court terme”. Mais pourquoi les SSII n’emploient-elles pas leurs prestataires en inter-contrat à des projets profitables pour elles à plus long terme (projets internes, contribution open source, …) plutôt que de les laisser moisir dans un coin le temps qu’un commercial arrive à les recaser chez un client? D’une boîte à l’autre et d’une personne à l’autre, l’inter-contrat est vécu plus ou moins bien, avec des situations parfois cocasses. En tout cas, l’intercontrat est une source de problèmes pour les SSII et pour leurs employés.

D’un autre côté, il y a peut-être des leviers accessibles pour faire changer cette situation et, du même coup, répondre aux besoins technologiques des innovateurs sociaux.

La notion d’entrepreuriat social, ou d’ethique est très à la mode chez toutes les entreprises qui ont une médiocre image de ce côté là (ça inclue banques et SSII amha).

Que faire? Voici vos suggestions:

faire que les CLIENTS des SSII soient attentifs à ces démarches (dans leur processus de décision ), et comme par hasard tout se débloque

[Peut-être créer des] jeux-projets-concours [:] sélection des meilleurs projets et financement + aide logistique, ça peut marcher.

[De toute façon,] les idées ne peuvent pas venir de l’intérieur [et il faut que la solution permette d’] identifier une retombée financière à quelques mois

Ce n’est pas les SSII qu’il faut convaincre mais d’abord ceux qui travaille dans ces entreprises (de préférence d’une taille respectable à mon avis). S’ils sont motivés ils peuvent faire bouger leur management et toi tu peux les aider à trouver les arguments pour cela.

J’ai envie d’extraire de ces suggestions quelques éléments pour un cahier des charges : la solution doit…

  • apporter une carotte économique pour la SSII, du profit à court terme, peut-être en impliquant certains clients
  • s’appuyer à fond sur la motivation des employés, exploiter celle-ci par des formes d’animation adéquates
  • être économique viable (entreprise sociale, donc entreprise également)

Et si on achetait les prestataires en inter-contrats à leur SSII à un pourcentage symbolique de leur tarif journalier habituel? Cela fournirait l’incitation économique à leur SSII: “Du moment que je sais que je peux disposer de cet intercontrat dès que je le veux pour le mettre chez en client, pourquoi ne pas le vendre à 1% de son prix habituel à un client ‘entreprise sociale’. Si, en plus, ça redore un peu l’image de marque de la boîte et que ça motive certains employés, c’est ça de gagné en plus!”?

Et si ce montant symbolique était réuni par les employés motivés pour participer à l’opération et changer le monde à leur échelle? Pour 10 à 20 employés en mission (selon les périodes et les sociétés), il y en a, disons, 1 en intercontrat. Avec un abonnement/cotisation de quelques dizaines ou centaines d’euros par an et par personne, on réunit le montant nécessaire pour financer une mission solidaire. “Aujourd’hui, je suis chez un client. Mais demain, ça pourrait être moi en intercontrat. Alors, comme j’aimerais bien que certains de mes collègues et moi puissions avoir un véritable impact sur l’environnement/les plus pauvres/la démocratie/le développement des pays du Sud/la priorité de mon choix grâce à ce que l’on sait faire le mieux (la techno), j’achète avec eux le droit de participer à une telle mission lors de mon prochain intercontrat”.

Cette solution consisterait donc à créer un fournisseur de missions solidaires pour prestataires en intercontrat. Les clients sont des prestas qui veulent profiter d’un futur intercontrat pour essayer de changer le monde à leur échelle (plutôt que de se faire chier à éviter les patates et à traîner dans l’agence ou au siège). Les produits sont des missions à forte qualité sociale/environnementale pilotées par des pros du secteur, des gens de terrain qui peuvent vite faire sentir au presta les problèmes sociaux/environnementaux ou autres à traiter. Les autres fournisseurs, ce sont des SSII qui voient d’un bon oeil l’idée d’arrondir leurs fins de mois en vendant certains intercontrats sur un second marché, ultra-discount.

Comment répondre aux questions que ce genre de proposition pourrait soulever? Qu’est-ce qui donnerait suffisamment envie et confiance à un presta pour qu’il achète à l’avance, avec des collègues, son droit de participer à une mission technologique solidaire sur le terrain de son choix? Cette idée a sans doute un côté complètement délirant, mais qu’est-ce qu’on pourrait en faire de bien et d’un peu plus près de la réalité? Qu’est-ce que cela vous inspire? A votre tour!

Invention d’un système de coaching automatique sur téléphone mobile

[Ceci est le résumé de l’une de mes réalisations professionnelles. Je m’en sers pour faire ma pub dans l’espoir de séduire de futurs partenaires. Plus d’infos à ce sujet dans le récit de mon parcours professionnel.]

En 2005, le projet de recherche informatique MobiLife, mené conjointement par 22 entreprises et universités européennes, dispose d’un logiciel pour téléphone mobile qui permet à un sportif de visualiser son contexte d’entraînement : rythme cardiaque, lieu, heure… En tant qu’ingénieur de recherche, je suis chargé d’inventer un système exploitant ce type de données pour offrir à l’utilisateur des recommandations personnalisées et dépendant du contexte. Je propose aux partenaires un scénario utilisateur qui est accepté puis j’en supervise l’implémentation. J’implémente une partie du système côté serveur (J2EE) et côté téléphone (J2ME). L’application devient ainsi capable d’apprendre les habitudes d’entraînement du sportif, bonnes ou mauvaises, de prédire ses prochains choix d’exercice, de les comparer à ce que recommenderait un entraîneur expert dans les mêmes conditions et, sur cette base, d’alerter le sportif par des petits clips videos personnalisés sur son téléphone : “Attention, il est tard et après 2 exercices de course sur le tapis roulant, vous avez habituellement tendance à trop forcer sur l’exercice suivant ; vous devriez plutôt passer sur le vélo pour un exercice de difficulté moyenne de 10 minutes“. Le système inventé est transposable dans d’innombrables situations de mobilité : coaching alimentaire, formation continue, gestes pour l’environnement, guides touristiques,… A l’occasion d’une journée portes ouvertes des laboratoires Motorola, j’organise la démonstration de cette application devant 40 journalistes et analystes européens.


Comparator is a small Plone product I recently hacked for my pleasure. It’s called comparator until it gets a nicer name, if ever. I distribute it here under the GNU General Public License. It allows users to select any existing content type (object class) and to calculate a personnalized comparison of the instances of this class. For example, if you choose to compare “News Items”, then you select the news items properties you want to base your comparison upon (title, creation date, description, …). You give marks to any value of these properties (somewhat a tedious process at the moment but much room for improvement in the future, there). Comparator then let’s you give relative weights to these properties so that the given marks are processed and the compared instances are ranked globally.

It’s a kind of basic block for building a comparison framework, for building Plone applications that compare stuff (any kind of stuff that exists within your portal, including semantically agregated stuff). Let’s say that your Plone portal is full of descriptions of beers (with many details about all kinds of beers). Then adding a comparator to your portal will let your users give weights to every beer property and rank all the beers according to their personal tastes.

Comparator is based on Archetypes and was built from an UML diagram with ArchgenXML. Comparator fits well in my vision of semantic agregation. I hope you can see how. Comments welcome !

From OWL to Plone

I found a working path to transform an OWL ontology into a working Plone content-type. Here is my recipe :

  1. Choose any existing OWL ontology
  2. With Protege equipped with its OWL plugin, create a new project from your OWL file.
  3. Still within Protege, with the help of its UML plugin, convert your OWL-Protege project into a UML classes project. You get an XMI file.
  4. Load this XMI file into an UML project with Poseidon. Save this project under the .zuml Poseidon format.
  5. From poseidon, export your classes a new xmi file. It will be Plone-friendly.
  6. With a text editor, delete some accentuated characters that Poseidon might have added to your file (for example, the Frenchy Poseidon adds a badly accentuated “Modele sans titre” attribute into your XMI) because the next step won’t appreciate them
  7. python -o YourProduct yourprojectfile.xmi turns your XMI file into a valid Plone product. Requires Plone and Archetypes (see doc) latest stable version plus ArchgenXML head from the subversion repository.
  8. Launch your Plone instance and install YourProduct as a new product from your Plone control panel. Enjoy YourProduct !
  9. eventually populate it with an appropriate marshaller.

Now you are not far from using Plone as a semantic aggregator.

Web scraping with Python (part II)

The first part of this article dealt with retrieving HTML pages from the web with the help of a mechanize-propelled web crawler. Now your HTML pieces are safely saved locally on your hard drive and you want to extract structured data from them. This is part 2, HTML parsing with Python. For this task, I adopted a slightly more imaginative approach than for my crawling hacks. I designed a data extraction technology based on HTML templates. Maybe this could be called “reverse-templating” (or something like template-based reverse-web-engineering).

You may be used with HTML templates for producing HTML pages. An HTML template plus structured data can be transformed into a set of HTML pages with the help of a proper templating engine. One famous technology for HTML templating is called Zope Page Templates (because this kind of templates is used within the Zope application server). ZPTs use a special set of additional HTML tags and attributes referred to by the “tal:” namespace. One advantage of ZPT (over competing technologies) is that ZPT are nicely rendered in WYSIWYG HTML editors. Thus web designers produce HTML mockups of the screens to be generated by the application. Web developpers insert tal: attributes into these HTML mockups so that the templating engine will know which parts of the HTML template have to be replaced by which pieces of data (usually pumped from a database). As an example, web designers will say <title>Camcorder XYZ</title> then web developpers will modify this into <title tal:content=”camcorder_name”>Camcorder XYZ</title> and the templating engine will further produce a <title>Camcorder Canon MV6iMC</title> when it processes the “MV6iMC” record in your database (it replaces the content of the title element with the value of the camcorder_name variable as it is retrieved from the current database record). This technology is used to merge structured data with HTML templates in order to produce Web pages.

I took inspiration from this technology to design parsing templates. The idea here is to reverse the use of HTML templates. In the parsing context, HTML templates are still produced by web developpers but the templating engine is replaced by a parsing engine (known as, see below for the code of this engine). This engine takes HTML pages (the ones you previously crawled and retrieved) plus ZPT-like HTML templates as input. It then outputs structured data. First your crawler saved <title>Camcorder Canon MV6iMC</title>. Then you wrote <title tal:content=”camcorder_name”>Camcorder XYZ</title> into a template file. Eventually the engine will output camcorder_name = “Camcorder Canon MV6iMC”.

In order to trigger the engine, you just have to write a small launch script that defines several setup variables such as :

  • the URL of your template file,
  • the list of URLs of the HTML files to be parsed,
  • whether you would like or not to pre-process these files with an HTML tidying library (this is useful when the engine complains about badly formed HTML),
  • an arbitrary keyword defining the domain of your parsing operation (may be the name of the web site your HTML files come from),
  • the charset these HTML files are made with (no automatic detection at the moment, sorry…)
  • the output format (csv-like file or semantic web document)
  • an optional separator character or string if ever you chose the csv-like output format

The easiest way to go is to copy and modify my example launch script ( included in the ZIP distribution of this web_parser.

Let’s summarize the main steps to go through :

  1. install utidylib into your python installation
  2. copy and save my modified version of BeautifulSoup into your python libraries directory (usually …/Lib/site-packages)
  3. copy and save my engine ( into your local directory or into you python libraries directory
  4. choose a set of HTML files on your hard drive or directly on a web site,
  5. save one of these files as your template,
  6. edit this template file and insert the required pseudotal attributes (see below for pseudotal instructions, and see the example dvspot template template_dvspot.zpt),
  7. copy and edit my example launch script so that you define the proper setup variables in it (the example contains more detailed instructions than above), save it as
  8. launch your script with a python > output_file.cowl (or python > output_file.cowl)
  9. enjoy yourself and your fresh output_file.owl or output_file.csv (import it within Excel)
  10. give me some feedback about your reverse-templating experience (preferably as a comment on this blog)

This is just my first attempt at building such an engine and I don’t want to make confusion between real (and mature) tal attributes and my pseudo-tal instructions. So I adopted pseudotal as my main namespace. In some future, when the specification of these reverse-templating instructions are somewhat more stabilized (and if ever the “tal” guys agree), I might adopt tal as the namespace. Please also note that the engine is somewhat badly written : the code and internal is rather clumsy. There is much room for future improvement and refactoring.

The current version of this reverse-templating engine now supports the following template attributes/instructions (see source code for further updates and documentation) :

  • pseudotal:content gives the name of the variable that will contain the content of the current HTML element
  • pseudotal:replace gives the name of the variable that will contain the entire current HTML element
  • (NOT SUPPORTED YET) pseudotal:attrs gives the name of the variable that will contain the (specified?) attribute(s ?) of the current HTML element
  • pseudotal:condition is a list of arguments ; gives the condition(s) that has(ve) to be verified so that the parser is sure that current HTML element is the one looked after. This condition is constructed as a list after BeautifulSoup fetch arguments : a python dictionary giving detailed conditions on the HTML attributes of the current HTML element, some content to be found in the current HTML element, the scope of research for the current HTML element (recursive search or not)
  • pseudotal:from_anchor gives the name of the pseudotal:anchor that is used in order to build the relative path that leads to the current HTML element ; when no from_anchor is specified, the path used to position the current HTML element is calculted from the root of the HTML file
  • pseudotal:anchor specifies a name for the current HTML element ; this element can be used by a pseudotal:from_anchor tag as the starting point for building the path to the element specified by pseudotal:from_anchor ; usually used in conjunction with a pseudotal:condition ; the default anchor is the root of the HTML file.
  • pseudotal:option describes some optional behavior of the HTML parser ; is a list of constants ; contains NOTMANDATORY if the parser should not raise an error when the current element is not found (it does as default) ; contains FULL_CONTENT when data looked after is the whole content of the current HTML element (default is the last part of the content of the current HTML element, i.e. either the last HTML tags or the last string included in the current element)
  • pseudotal:is_id_part a special ‘id’ variable is automatically built for every parsed resource ; this id variable is made of several parts that are concatenated ; this pseudotal:is_id_part gives the index the current variable will be used at for building the id of the current resource ; usually used in conjunction with pseudotal:content, pseudotal:replace or pseudotal:attrs
  • (NOT SUPPORTED YET) pseudotal:repeat specifies the scope of the HTML tree that describes ONE resource (useful when several resources are described in one given HTML file such as in a list of items) ; the value of this tag gives the name of a class that will instantiate the parsed resource scope plus the name of a list containing all the parsed resource

The current version of the engine can output structured data either as a CSV-like output (tab-delimited for example) or as an RDF/OWL document (of Semantic-Web fame). Both formats can easily be imported and further processed with Excel. The RDF/OWL format gives you the ability to process it with all the powerful tools that are emerging along the Semantic Web effort. If you feel adventurous, you may thus import your RDF/OWL file into Stanford’s Protege semantic modeling tool (or into Eclipse with its SWEDE plugin) and further process your data with the help of a SWRL rules-based inference engine. The future Semantic Web Rules Language will help at further processing this output so that you can powerfully compare RDF data coming from distinct sources (web sites). In order to be more productive in terms of fancy buzz-words, let’s say that this reverse-templating technology is some sort of a web semantizer. It produces semantically-rich data out of flat web pages.

The current version of the engine makes an extensive use of BeautifulSoup. Maybe it should have been based on a more XMLish approach instead (using XML pathes ?). But it would have implied that the HTML templates and HTML files to be processed should then have been turned into XHTML. The problem is that I would then have relied on utidylib but this library breaks too much some mal-formed HTML pages so that they are not valuable anymore.

Current known limitation : there is currently no way to properly handle some situations where you need to make the difference between two similar anchors. In some cases, two HTML elements that you want to use as distinct anchors have in fact exactly the same attributes and content. This is not a problem as long as these two anchors are always positioned at the same place in all the HTML page that you will parse. But, as soon as one of the anchors is not mandatory or it is located after a non mandatory element, the engine can get lost and either confuse the two anchors or complain that one is missing. At the moment, I don’t know how to handle this kind of situation. Example : long lists of specifications with similar names where some specifications are optional (see canon camcorders as an example : difference between lcd number of pixels and viewfinder number of pixels). The worst case scenario would be when there is a flat list of HTML paragraphs. The engine will try to identify these risks and should output some warnings in this kind of situations.

Here are the contents of the ZIP distribution of this project (distributed under the General Public License) :

  • : this is the web parser engine.
  • : this is an example launch script to be used if you want to parser HTML files coming from the web site.
  • template_dvspot.zpt : this is the example template file corresponding to the excellent site
  • : this is MY version of BeautifulSoup. Indeed, I had to modify Leonard Richardson’s official one and I couldn’t obtain any answer from him at the moment regarding my suggested modifications. I hope he will soon answer me and maybe include my modifications in the official version or help me overcoming my temptation to fork. My modifications are based on the official 1.2 release of beautifulsoup : I added “center” as a nestable tag and added the ability to match the content of an element with the help of wildcards. You should save this file into the “Lib\site-packages” folder of your python installation.
  • README.html is the file you are currently reading, also published on my blog.

Mesurer la qualité du Web tout en surfant

La conformité aux standards ouverts définis dans le cadre du W3C est un élément important dans la qualité du Web tel qu’on le connaît. Pour ceux d’entre vous qui sont développeurs Web et souhaitent vérifier la conformité des pages qu’ils consultent, rien de plus simple : avec l’extension HTML Validator de Firefox, une petite icône en bas de Firefox vous indique si la page pose ou non problème. Mieux encore, l’extension vous indique comment corriger le problème si vous pouvez modifier cette page !

Web scraping with python (part 1 : crawling)

Example One : I am looking for my next job. So I subscribe to many job sites in order to receive notifications by email of new job ads (example = Monster…). But I’d rather check these in my RSS aggregator instead of my mailbox. Or in some sort of aggregating Web platform. Thus, I would be able to do many filtering/sorting/ranking/comparison operations in order to navigate through these numerous job ads.

Example Two : I want to buy a digital camcorder. So I want to compare the available models. Such a comparison implies that I rank the most common models according to their characteristics. Unfortunately, the many sites providing reviews or comparisons of camcorders are not often comprehensive and they don’t offer me the capability of comparing them with respect to my way of ranking and weighting the camcorder features (example = dvspot). So I would prefer pumping all the technical stuff from these sites and manipulate this data locally on my computer. Unfortunately, this data is merged within HTML. And it may be complex to extract it automatically from all the presentation code.

These are common situations : interesting data spread all over the web and merged in HTML presentation code. How to consolidate this data so that you can analyze and process it with your own tools ? In some near future, I expect this data will be published so that it is directly processable by computers (this is what the Semantic Web is intending to do). For now, I was used to do it with Excel (importing Web data, then cleaning it and the like) and I must admit that Excel is fairly good at it. But I’d like some more automation for this process. I’d like some more scripting for this operation so that I don’t end with inventing complex Excel macros or formulas just to automate Web site crawling, HTML extraction and data cleaning. With such an itch to scratch, I tried to address this problem with python.

This series of messages introduces my current hacks that automate web sites crawling and data extraction from HTML pages. The current output of these scripts is a bunch of CSV files that can be further processed … in Excel. I wish I would output RDF instead of CSV. So there remains much room for further improvement (see RDF Web Scraper for a similar but approach). Anyway… Here is part One : how to crawl complex web sites with Python ?. The next part will deal with data extraction from the retrieved web pages, involving much HTML cleansing and parsing.

My crawlers are fully based on the John L. Lee’s mechanize framework for python. There are other tools available in Python. And several other approaches are available when you want to deal with automating the crawling of web sites. Note that you can also try to scrape the screens of legacy terminal-based applications with the help of python (this is called “screen scraping”). Some approaches of web crawling automation rely on recording the behaviour of a user equipped with a web browser and then reproduce this same behaviour in an automated session. That is an attractive and futuristic approach. But this implies that you find a way to guess what the intended automatic crawling behaviour will be from a simple example. In other words, with this approach, you have either to ask the user to click on every web link (all the job postings…) and this gives no value to the automation of the task. Or your system “guesses” what automatic behaviour is expected just by recording a sample of what a human agent would do. Too complex… So I preferred a more down-to-earth solution implying that you write simple crawling scripts “by hand”. (You may still be interested in automatically record user sessions in order to be more productive when producing your crawling scripts.) As a summary : my approach is fully based on mechanize so you may consider the following code as example of uses of mechanize in “real-world” situations.

For purpose of clarity, let’s first focus on the code part that is specific to your crawling session (to the site you want to crawl) . Let’s take the example of the site which you may try to crawl in order to download detailed description of camcorders :

    # Go to home page
    # Navigate through the paginated list of cameras
    next_page = 0
    while next_page == 0:
     # Display and save details of every listed item
     url = b.response.url
     next_element = 0
     while next_element >= 0:
       b.follow_link(url_regex=re.compile(r"cameraDetail"), nr=next_element)
       next_element = next_element + 1
       print save_response(b,"dvspot_camera_"+str(next_element))
       # go back to home page
       # if you crawled too many items, stop crawling
       if next_element*next_page > MAX_NR_OF_ITEMS_PER_SESSION:
          next_element = -1
          next_page = -1
      except LinkNotFoundError:
       # You certainly reached the last item in this page
       next_element = -1
      b.follow_link(text_regex=re.compile(r"Next Page"), nr=0)
      print "processing Next Page"
     except LinkNotFoundError:
      # You reached the last page of the listing of items
      next_page = -1

You noticed that the structure of this code (conditional loops) depends on the organization of the site you are crawling (paginated results, …). You also have to specify the rule that will trigger “clicks” from your crawler. In the above example, your script first follows every link containing “cameraDetail” in its URL (url_regex). Then it follows every link containing “Next Page” in the hyperlink text (text_regex).

This kind of script is usually easy to design and write but it can become complex when the web site is improperly designed. There are two sources of difficulties. The first one is bad HTML. Bad HTML may crash the mechanize framework. This is the reason why you often have to pre-process the HTML either with the help of a HTML tidying library or with simple but string substitutions when your tidy library breaks the HTML too much (this may be the case when the web designer improperly decided to used nested HTML forms). Designing the proper HTML pre-processor for the Web site you want to crawl can be tricky since you may have to dive into the faulty HTML and the mechanize error tracebacks in order to identify the HTML mistakes and workaround them. I hope that future versions of mechanize would implement more robust HTML parsing capabilities. The ideal solution would be to integrate the Mozilla HTML parsing component but I guess this will be some hard work to do. Let’s cross our fingers.

Here are useful examples of pre-processors (as introduced by some other mechanize users and developpers) :

class TidyProcessor(BaseProcessor):
      def http_response(self, request, response):
          options = dict(output_xhtml=1,
          r = tidy.parseString(, **options)
          return FakeResponse(response, str(r))
      https_response = http_response
class MyProcessor(BaseProcessor):
      def http_response(self, request, response):
          r =
          r = r.replace('"image""','"image"')
          r = r.replace('"','"')
          return FakeResponse(response, r)
      https_response = http_response
# Open a browser and optionally choose a customized HTML pre-processor
b = Browser()

The second source of difficulties comes from non-RESTful sites. As an example the APEC site (a French Monster-like job site) is based on a proprietary web framework that implies that you cannot rely on links URLs to automate your browsing session. It took me some time to understand that, once loggin in, every time you click on a link, you are presented with a new frameset referring to the URLs that contain the interesting data you are looking for. And these URLs seem to be dependent on your session. No permalink, if you prefer. This makes the crawling process even more tricky. In order to deal with this source of difficulty when you write your crawling script, you have to open both your favorite text editor (to write the script) and your favorite web browser (Firefox of course !). One key knowledge is to know mechanize “find_link” capabilities. These capabilities are documented in source code, in the find_link method doc strings. They are the arguments you will provide to b.follow_link in order to automate your crawler “clicks”. For more convenience, let me reproduce them here :

  • text: link text between link tags: <a href=”blah”>this bit</a> (as
    returned by pullparser.get_compressed_text(), ie. without tags but
    with opening tags “textified” as per the pullparser docs) must compare
    equal to this argument, if supplied
  • text_regex: link text between tag (as defined above) must match the
    regular expression object passed as this argument, if supplied
    name, name_regex: as for text and text_regex, but matched against the
    name HTML attribute of the link tag
  • url, url_regex: as for text and text_regex, but matched against the
    URL of the link tag (note this matches against Link.url, which is a
    relative or absolute URL according to how it was written in the HTML)
  • tag: element name of opening tag, eg. “a”
    predicate: a function taking a Link object as its single argument,
    returning a boolean result, indicating whether the links
  • nr: matches the nth link that matches all other criteria (default 0)

Links include anchors (a), image maps (area), and frames (frame,iframe).

Enough with explanations. Now comes the full code in order to automatically download camcorders descriptions from I distribute this code here under the GPL (legally speaking, I don’t own the copyleft of this entire code since it is based on several snippets I gathered from the web and wwwsearch mailing list). Anyway, please copy-paste-taste !

from mechanize import Browser,LinkNotFoundError
from ClientCookie import BaseProcessor
from StringIO import StringIO
# import tidy
import sys
import re
from time import gmtime, strftime
# The following two line is specific to the site you want to crawl
# it provides some capabilities to your crawler for it to be able
# to understand the meaning of the data it is crawling ;
# as an example for knowing the age of the crawled resource
from datetime import date
# from my_parser import parsed_resource
 Let's declare some customized pre-processors.
 These are useful when the HTML you are crawling through is not clean enough for mechanize.
 When you crawl through bad HTML, mechanize often raises errors.
 So either you tidy it with a strict tidy module (see TidyProcessor)
 or you tidy some errors you identified "by hand" (see MyProcessor).
 Note that because the tidy module is quite strict on HTML, it may change the whole
 structure of the page you are dealing with. As an example, in bad HTML, you may encounter
 nested forms or forms nested in tables or tables nested in forms. Tidying them may produce
 unintended results such as closing the form too early or making it empty. This is the reason
 you may have to use MyProcessor instead of TidyProcessor.
class FakeResponse:
      def __init__(self, resp, nudata):
          self._resp = resp
          self._sio = StringIO(nudata)
      def __getattr__(self, name):
              return getattr(self._sio, name)
          except AttributeError:
              return getattr(self._resp, name)
class TidyProcessor(BaseProcessor):
      def http_response(self, request, response):
          options = dict(output_xhtml=1,
          r = tidy.parseString(, **options)
          return FakeResponse(response, str(r))
      https_response = http_response
class MyProcessor(BaseProcessor):
      def http_response(self, request, response):
          r =
          r = r.replace('"image""','"image"')
          r = r.replace('"','"')
          return FakeResponse(response, r)
      https_response = http_response
# Open a browser and optionally choose a customized HTML pre-processor
b = Browser()
 Let's declare some utility methods that will enhance mechanize browsing capabilities
def find(b,searchst):
    lr =
    return, lr, re.I)
def save_response(b,kw='file'):
    """Saves last response to timestamped file"""
    name = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S_",gmtime())
    name = name + kw + '.html'
    f = open('./'+name,'w')
    return "Response saved as %s" % name
Hereafter is the only (and somewhat big) script that is specific to the site you want to crawl.
def dvspot_crawl():
     Here starts the browsing session.
     For every move, I could have put as a comment an equivalent PBP command line.
     PBP is a nice scripting layer on top of mechanize.
     But it does not allow looping or conditional browsing.
     So I preferred scripting directly with mechanize instead of using PBP
     and then adding an additional layer of scripting on top of it.
    # Go to home page
    # Navigate through the paginated list of cameras
    next_page = 0
    while next_page == 0:
     # Display and save details of every listed item
     url = b.response.url
     next_element = 0
     while next_element >= 0:
       b.follow_link(url_regex=re.compile(r"cameraDetail"), nr=next_element)
       next_element = next_element + 1
       print save_response(b,"dvspot_camera_"+str(next_element))
       # if you crawled too many items, stop crawling
       if next_element*next_page > MAX_NR_OF_ITEMS_PER_SESSION:
          next_element = -1
          next_page = -1
      except LinkNotFoundError:
       # You reached the last item in this page
       next_element = -1
      b.follow_link(text_regex=re.compile(r"Next Page"), nr=0)
      print "processing Next Page"
     except LinkNotFoundError:
      # You reached the last page of the listing of items
      next_page = -1
if __name__ == '__main__':
    """ Note that you may need to specify your proxy first.
    On windows, you do :
    set HTTP_PROXY=

In order to run this code, you will have to install mechanize 0.0.8a, pullparser 0.0.5b, clientcookie 0.4.19, clientform 0.0.16 and utidylib. I used Python 2.3.3. Latest clientcookie’s version was to be integrated into Python 2.4 I think. In order to install mechanize, pullparser, clientcookie and clientform, you just have to do the usual way :

python build
python install
python test

Last but not least : you should be aware that you may be breaking some terms of service from the website you are trying to crawl. Thanks to dvspot for providing such valuable camcorders data to us !

Next part will deal with processing the downloaded HTML pages and extract useful data from them.

Web scraping with Python

Here is a set of resources for scraping the web with the help of Python. The best solution seems to be Mechanize plus Beautiful Soup.

See also :

Off-topic : proxomitron looks like a nice (python-friendly ?) filtering proxy.

Python compared to Smalltalk

Python has many similarities with Smalltalk. Maybe one can say that Python is the Smalltalk of the Web. Here are some resources that compare Python with Smalltalk :

LAMP pour les projets critiques

Le modèle L.A.M.P. (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP/Python/Perl) a maintenant acquis de solides références auprès de grands comptes et ce, sur des projets critiques. C’est ce que commence à rapporter la presse informatique, malgré l’intérêt que les gros du conseil ont à promouvoir des technologies concurrentes. LAMP serait positionné non pas comme un concurrent de J2EE et .Net mais comme une solution idéale pour “la couche de présentation de projets critiques d’envergure tout en couvrant tous les besoins des projets départementaux”.

Différence entre approche orientée-objet et approché orientée-message

Parmi les trois technologies fondamentales du génie logiciels (relationnel, objets et message), Uche Ogbuji souligne les différences entre orienté-objet (incarné notamment par Java) et langages de programmation “agiles” pour XML (incarné notamment par Python). Il évoque, pour une approche orientée message (XML), des méthodologies de développements dites “D4” comme Dynamique, Déclaratif et Dirigé par les Données. Pour lui, l’absolutisme objet a de effets pervers paradoxaux : moindre maintenabilité et moindre réutilisabilité du code. Il ne présente pas la modélisation orientée message comme une panacée mais comme une approche distincte de l’approche objet, et qui se révèle plus efficace pour traiter certains types de problèmes. Bref, à chaque cas sa bonne approche de modélisation : parfois relationnel, parfois objet, parfois message.

Les trois technologies fondamentales du génie logiciel

Trois technologies fondamentales sont nécessaires à l’architecte qui prétend maîtriser le génie logiciel : l’orienté-objet, le relationnel et l’orienté-message. Si l’une de ces trois compétences vous fait défaut, vous risquez de vous casser la figure. Et aujourd’hui, les technologies orientées message (XML) manquent encore un peu de maturité.

Authentification pour Atom

Atom est un protocole de syndication de contenu concurrent de RSS. Il s’agit d’une invention bien pensée (quoique la méfiance de ses concepteurs à l’égard de RDF me laisse perplexe) mais dont le succès reste à mesurer. Toujours est-il qu’il fallait bien accompagner ce protocole d’une solution convenable pour assurer l’authentification des agents aggrégateurs de contenu. Et comme l’authentification HTTP basique ne pouvait pas convenir, Atom recourt à une extension de cette authentification appuyée sur la technologie WSSE. Résultat : une authentification HTTP qui ne requiert ni installation de modules Apache, ni accès aux fichiers .htaccess et permet une utilisation en environnement mutualisé, via des CGIs, le tout avec un bon niveau général de sécurité.