The Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team had a conf call

… today. And here is the recording of the audio (OGG format). Unfortunately, it is missing 3 or 4 minutes at the beginning (I had to realize nobody else was to record the call and launch a few pieces of software) and 20 seconds at the end. I did no post-processing.

There’s even a public piratepad with the agenda and notes from the call.

5 réflexions sur « The Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team had a conf call »

  1. Ping : Tweets that mention The Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team had a conf call « Jean, aka Sig(gg) --

  2. Chris Blow

    Thanks so much! Couldn’t make it this time to the call.

  3. Ping : Open Mobile Map » Weekly OSM Summary #11

  4. Robert Sharp

    Thank you so much for the information! Do you know where we can listen to it if we missed the conference call?

  5. Sig Auteur de l’article

    Robert, the post above gives a link to the OGG recording you can listen to. But note this was an old conf call (February 2011). In case you missed a more recent call I can’t help you : I did not attend them.

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