eXtreme Consulting?

Can agile methods such as eXtreme Programming (XP) be applied to consulting activities? What could eXtreme Consulting (XC) mean? Do you need to analyze the whole big picture before starting the delivery of good recommendations?

In XP iterations, users tell user stories which are prioritized and then transformed by rotating pairs of programmers into tested features. These features enable new uses of technology.

In XC iterations, I guess there would be decision makers telling decision making stories. These stories would be prioritized and then transformed by rotating pairs of consultants into argued and accepted recommendations. These recommendations would enable new decisions.

What about the agility of decision makers themselves, people who are to lead changes in their scope of responsibility? Couldn’t they follow similar methods and benefit from eXtreme Change Making (XCM)? In XCM iterations, there would be change leaders telling change leadership stories. These stories would be prioritized and then transformed by rotating pairs of change makers into tested change commitments from stakeholders in the organization. These commitments would enable changes in the organization, its rules and processes.

Had you ever heard of XC or XCM before reading this? What do you think? Why would such things be of any interest?

7 réflexions sur « eXtreme Consulting? »

  1. Jerome

    Alors, tu bosses maintenant, y’a plus de posts sur ton blog ;-)

  2. Ping : AkaSig » Blog Archive » Mon nouveau projet

  3. technology consultant

    I have never heard of these things before, and I wonder about eXtreme consulting and how it relates to decision making and responsibility. I do think that you would need to look at the whole picture before trying to offer any kind of recommendations, though.

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