Here are some pointers for learning more about the Ajax programming model and how to properly design your Ajax application :
- Ajax is said to be the cross-platform successor to Java… huh… (David, thank you for this pointer)
- Ajax should be ReSTfully considered before use
- Is Ajax ReSTless and dirty ?
While I am mentionning the Representational State Transfer (ReST) architecture style, here are some additional and valuable resources on this topic :
- Do we need a ReST toolkit for application developpers ? What would it look like ?
- NetKernel is claimed to be such a ReSTful toolkit
- A ReSTful toolkit for application developers would be a low cost disruption to the heavyweight SOA products that are (by far) overshooting the market of IT departments in big corporations ; it nicely fits the Christensen model of disruptive innovations
There is now another alternative REST framework for Java.
Update on Ajax : Jakob Nielsen, the pope of usability, said : “Ajax: Just Say No”, reason being that Ajax would definitely be ReSTless.
Thanks, once again, David, for this link !
Thank you Jerome.
There is new concept now the REST-RPC :