Phil Windley rapporte sur son carnet Web que l’Etat de l’Utah a adopté un logiciel de gestion de projet qui s’appelle dotproject. Un logiciel open source pour environnement LAMP qui a l’air pas mal du tout pour gérer un portefeuille de projets.
Warning: Undefined array key "template" in /data/village/drsigmund/akasig_org/www/wp-content/plugins/yet-another-related-posts-plugin/classes/YARPP_Widget.php on line 28
Warning: Undefined array key "template" in /data/village/drsigmund/akasig_org/www/wp-content/plugins/yet-another-related-posts-plugin/classes/YARPP_Widget.php on line 28
Warning: Undefined array key "template" in /data/village/drsigmund/akasig_org/www/wp-content/plugins/yet-another-related-posts-plugin/classes/YARPP_Widget.php on line 35
Ping :
I want to change the starting User name (admin) and also change the its password (passwd)
Please help me as fast as possible
Thanking you
I can’t help you with this issue, Kishor. I just mentioned this dotproject stuff because I wanted to keep track of its existence (and it is somewhat recommended by Phil Windley so it must be interesting !). But I just never tried installing or setting up dotproject. Please forward your request to the dotproject team at or, even better, you should RTFFAQ. ;)
Good luck.