Le schéma OWL-S permet de décrire des services Web à l’aide d’ontologies. D’après cette lecture, je crois comprendre que l’on peut
- soit produire des services Web style RPC (via SOAP et WSDL) et compléter leur description, à plus haut niveau, avec OWL-S (ce qui remplace UDDI dans ce cas),
- soit produire des services Web style REST (sans SOAP ni WSDL) et faire toute leur description via OWL-S
Ceci signifierait qu’OWL-S serait un standard dans tous les cas concurrents de UDDI, et dans certains cas complémentaire de WSDL (pour le cas des services Web RPC via SOAP) et dans d’autres cas (services REST), concurrents de WSDL. Est-ce vraiment cela ?
Cette présentation expose différents types de passerelles qui peuvent exister entre les technologies SOAP/WSDL/UDDI pour les services Web et les technologies RDF/OWL pour le Web sémantique.
“On” m’a dit du mal de OWL-S : ce standard serait promis à une mort atroce et prochaine car trop fortement marqué par le petit monde DAML-OIL et pas assez proche de “l’esprit” du Web Sémantique au sens de RDF, OWL Lite et OWL DL. Querelles de clochers ?
1. I am asking if you can use UML to define ontology …
And what will be advantage and disadvantage of using UML..
2. Rdf, Rdf-s , Owl and Uml are called meta-language or not …
3 what is the role of OWL_S ontology in web service …
4. What is advantage and disadvantage of owl-s compare to
WSDL, Xlang/Wsfl and Bpel4ws…
Tank you in advance
The UML class diagrams define schemas. Schemas are part of ontologies. But ontologies are also based on logic assertions such as “in order to be an instance of that class, an object must have at least one these characteristics” or “any object having this and that attribute is an instance of this other class”. UML does not allow such definitions. UML class diagrams are closer to RDF-Schemas than to OWL ontologies. UML remains the industry standard for defining object schemas when designing an application.
Metalanguages as explained on the Wikipedia are part of the linguistics science. RDF, RDF-S, OWL and UML are not in the same field. And I am not familiar with linguistics so… I don’t know.
OWL-S tries to define the meaning of what a web service has to offer and what information it requires to do so whereas SOAP only defines an envelope, WSDL defines the syntax of the web service output and input and UDDI only offers a set of keywords for defining what this service is all about.
I don’t feel good enough in the field of web service definitions to answer your last question. But in my very limited understanding, the advantage of OWL-S is its universality and extensibility. I mean OWL-S is designed to let the web service definition refer very precisely to a unified set of documents (the Semantic Web) that describe the exact meaning of the web service. The alternative standards all make strong assumptions about the ability of the consumer of the web service to get into the context of this service. They assume that you are already somewhat aware of what the service is about. They do not offer the ability to refer to a common and open ground of knowledge and context.
And as I wrote in French in the initial post, OWL-S seems to be an alternative to both UDDI and to WSDL even though I noticed that the W3 also produced a mapping of WSDL to the RDF/OWL world for those who want to stick to WSDL in some way.
je cherche comment utiliser OWL-S API pour idéter des déscription owl-s et surtous ce qui m’intéresse c le owls-s serviceprofile exactement les entrées et sortie d’un service web.
pouvezr vous me donner un cou de main
Désolé mais mes connaissances de OWL-S s’arrêtent là pour le moment. Je n’ai pas eu l’occasion de mettre en oeuvre OWL-S et je ne peux donc pas vous renseigner davantage. Par contre, si vous publiez sur Internet un résumé de ce que vous apprendrez, j’y ferai référence avec plaisir.